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A Tujunga doctor was charged Tuesday for issuing fake COVID-19 vaccination cards and allegedly injecting patients with blood plasma from donors.

Donald Plance, 68, was charged with 10 felony counts of making a forged government seal, along with 10 misdemeanor counts of making a false medical record and one misdemeanor count each of making a drug without a license and possession of a contaminated medical device, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office said.

Between August and November 2021, Plance is accused of making his own vaccination cards and giving them to his patients. The cards appeared to be genuine, bearing the Center for Disease Control and Health and Human Services seals, according to the DA’s office.

Plance also allegedly injected his patients with blood plasma from donors, who purportedly previously had COVID-19. The doctor allegedly claimed that the procedure would protect his patients from contracting the virus, the DA’s office said.

Blood plasma injections are not a federally approved vaccination and it is recommended that patients seek guidance from a licensed medical provider.

“It is disturbing that people, especially medical professionals, continue to use the pandemic as an opportunity to deceive the public,” D.A. George Gascón said in a written statement. “Fake COVID vaccination cards are illegal and endanger our collective health and well-being. We will continue to work with our local, state and federal law enforcement partners to protect consumers and stop medical fraud.”

Arraignment will be scheduled for a later date.

The case remains under investigation by the California Department of Consumer Affairs Division of Investigation, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services-Office of Inspector General.