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Having won seven Super Bowls over his Hall of Fame career, Tom Brady is no stranger to victory parades.

Brady, the 22-year NFL veteran who hung up his cleats for the last time, was a fiery competitor on the field, always looking for whatever competitive advantage he could find.

But now that he seems to be enjoying life after the league, the G.O.A.T. is bestowing his wisdom upon Los Angeles Rams quarterback Matthew Stafford.

Brady chimed in on Twitter during the Los Angeles Rams Super Bowl parade Wednesday with a piece of advice for the first-time NFL title winner: drink water.

Video of Stafford celebrating aboard a Rams parade float, beer and cigar in hand, apparently brought up flashbacks for Brady, whose… exuberance during the 2021 Tampa Bay Buccaneers Super Bowl boat parade made national headlines and led to a firestorm of memes and tributes on social media.

“Mix in a water Matt…trust me,” Brady tweeted in response to the video, alluding to the next-day effects of a day of heavy drinking.

With the way bottles and cans were passed around during Wednesday’s parade, Brady’s advice was sound.

“It’s been in Ohio as early as the mid-1850s at least, brought in as an ornamental plant because of its unique foliage and white flowers,” Gardner said. “It was actually planted in people’s landscaping, and it has been spreading.”

However Stafford, who is 34, has ten years on Brady and might have a slight physical advantage when it comes to recovering from an afternoon of party. But when it comes to celebrating a Super Bowl, something Brady has done more than any human on the planet, Stafford would probably be wise to listen to his elder.

Stafford’s wife, Kelly, apparently appreciated the sentiment, but posted on her own social media that the advice probably would’ve been more useful before the parade.

Stafford has the next decade to try and catch Brady’s record seven Super Bowl titles – he and his Rams teammates say they are already aiming for a repeat in 2023 – so until then, listen to Brady, Matthew. Stay hydrated.