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Neighbors say they are fed up and are seeking action against a Koreatown home enveloped with debris and trash that’s been piling up for years.

The smell is just one thing that has neighbors like Leticia Ruiz upset and speaking out Tuesday about the home in the 100 block of South Harvard Street.

“It’s not sanitary. If there’s a fire, what do I do?” said Ruiz, who is concerned about the health and safety hazards the trash piles along the back, sides and front of the home pose.

Stacks of boxes and other debris also cover most of the home’s entrance and are piled on top of a vehicle that is blocked in the driveway.

“I do see a lot of cockroaches and rats,” said Mark Mendoza, another area resident.

The Los Angeles Fire Department said they were made aware of the problem on Oct. 14, and sent an inspector to the home four days later.

A notice was then issued to the residents, giving them 30 days to clean up the property, the Fire Department stated.  

An adult son who lives at the home with his mother is responsible for most of the collecting, according to neighbors.

Family members did not wish to comment on the situation, but word came later in the day that a resolution may have been reached.

The owner has agreed to let city crews on the property to clean it, a statement from Council District 10 read.

The cost of the cleanup, which is expected to begin Thursday, will be covered by the district office, according to the statement.