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Gov. Gavin Newsom continued to make his case against the recall effort Monday.

Newsom appeared in Baldwin Hills and attacked Republican frontrunner Larry Elder.

“He doesn’t believe in minimum wage at all. He calls food stamps a giveaway. At the same time, he calls for eliminating the corporate tax in America,” Newsom said. “Larry Elder thinks climate change is a quote-unquote myth.”

Elder, in Castaic, said the recall is not about politics. Instead, he criticized Newsom’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This isn’t a Republican recall,” Elder said. “It’s for anyone fed up with the way they’re doing things in California.”

Polling from the Public Policy Institute of California shows that if the recall is approved by a majority of voters, Elder is most likely to be named Newsom’s successor.

Most likely voters, however, seem opposed to the recall, with 58% saying they’ll vote against recalling Newsom.

Despite the daunting numbers, the challengers are not letting up.

Republican challenger and Assemblymember Kevin Kiley campaigned in Beverly Hills, arguing that Newsom catered to special interests.

“This is the furthest thing from a partisan recall, as much as Gavin Newsom might like you to believe that,” Kiley said. “He’s getting tons of money from the very same special interests that control the governor’s office.”

Newsom isn’t letting up either.

This weekend, he hosted rallies with U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar.

On Wednesday, Vice President Kamala Harris will join him in the Bay Area for a campaign event.

To learn more about the election, check out KTLA’s recall election guide.