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The Lincoln Heights night market, which gained popularity through TikTok, was closed down Thursday following widespread complaints from residents and businesses about its negative effect on the neighborhood.

The city closed Artesian Street from Avenue 33 to Humboldt Street, L.A. City Councilman Gil Cedillo’s office said in a statement, which would “eliminate illegal alcohol sales, public defecation and urination, and crime and violence that was caused by the market.”

During the closure, the statement said, the city “would fully assess the street and sidewalks, determine and perform work to abate human waste, cooking oil and flame damage, and restore vandalized signage, sidewalks, and curbs.”

“We support the economic opportunity that night markets provide to vendors and the culinary experiences it provides to consumers. However, it is unacceptable the way this site has negatively impacted the quality of life of Lincoln Heights residents and businesses,” Cedillo said in a statement. “Our duty is to maintain clean, safe and secure neighborhoods.”

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