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What pushed gubernatorial candidate Caitlyn Jenner to run for governor? She suggests it was related to immigration.

“The final decision was two months ago, three months ago. I’m watching TV. I’m watching what’s happening at the border. I’m looking at bad policies. Horrible outcomes … these kids in cages. It just shows you what bad policies can do.”

Asked during an exclusive interview with Inside California Politics to name one policy she said she’d offer now that would address those issues, Jenner turned to Trump’s notorious wall at the U.S.-Mexico border.

“As governor, I would finish the wall on state land, where you can finish the wall,” Jenner said.

She also said she wanted “controlled immigration” in California, which she defined as “we need to know the people that are coming into this state.”

The 71-year-old Jenner — who won the men’s Olympic decathlon in 1976 and decades later became a reality TV star and came out as a transgender woman — announced her candidacy back in June.

She has since announced she will be embarking on a statewide campaign bus tour in August.