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In a week of milestones, California has hit another major turning point in the fight against the pandemic: More than 40 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have now been administered across the state.

State officials announced the latest total, 40,098,803 doses, Thursday afternoon, two days after the economy was fully reopened. Officials and health experts have said California’s high vaccination rates have reduced the risk of outbreaks with the wide reopening, noting that new cases and deaths continue to plummet.

According a Times analysis, the doses have been administered to California residents and out-of-state visitors. About 57% of Californians have received at least one dose. Only a small portion of the shots — about 700,000 — have gone to out-of-state residents.

California in recent weeks has also reported some of the lowest virus transmission rates in the nation — a stark change for a region once besieged by COVID-19.

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