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It’s suddenly feeling a bit like 2003 all over again. If Arnold Schwarzenegger could win a recall election to become governor of California then, could Caitlyn Jenner follow the same path nearly two decades later?

The Olympic decathlete-turned-reality TV star who announced in 2015 that she was transgender is considering a run, Axios reported Tuesday. The outlet cited “three sources with direct knowledge” of the situation.

With Gov. Gavin Newsom likely facing a recall election this fall, a pop culture figure seeking the state’s top job has echoes of what happened 18 years ago, when Democrat Gray Davis became the first governor to be recalled in state history, and the actor who played the Terminator took the state’s reins.

That year, more than 130 people challenged Davis in the recall, including businesswoman and author Arianna Huffington, the late actor Gary Coleman and the late pornographer Larry Flynt. But it was Schwarzenegger, whose candidacy attracted international media attention, who pulled out the win despite allegations late in the race that he had groped and humiliated a half-dozen women.

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