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Gayle Anderson was live in Glendale at the Museum of Neon for KTLA Giving Tuesday.

Art lovers who have fantasized about having a museum gallery to themselves may make this dream a reality this spring through a special raffle fundraiser that supports MONA after a year of mandated closure and gives one lucky couple or pod the opportunity to share quality time and a unique and inspiring experience. For as little as $5, MONA supporters can support the museum while putting their name in the hat for a chance at a night to remember.

Members of the same household, or two people from separate households who have been fully vaccinated will be able to “Dine Under the Signs” in MONA’s main gallery for up to an hour and a half. Happy couples or podmates will be provided access to the museum and a table set for them in the galleries. Masked participants will be greeted at a 6-foot distance by a staff member wearing a heavy duty facemask, and walked to their table where they can set up their picnic or bring in take-out. Visitors will be alone in the gallery and can elect to remove their masks. When time has elapsed the visitors will be alerted with a bell to put on their masks and they will be escorted out of the building.

MONA will provide a table, tablecloth, plates, utensils, cups, a bottle of wine, a portable speaker, and the bright neon glow of its historic signs and contemporary art. Visitors may bring their dinner and drinks of choice; deliverable meals may be ordered to the museum in advance. Guests will get the exclusive opportunity to view newly installed exhibitions that have not been shared with the public. The COVID closures have resulted in the loss of the majority of MONA’s income. This initiative will help support the livelihood of the museum. 

Ticket cost:
1- $5
2- $9
5- $23
10- $40

A live drawing will be conducted on Thursday, April 29th at 6:30pm. The lucky winner will get to choose the day and time that works best for them to have their private museum experience. The experience must happen by the end of May 2020. A maximum of 6 people can participate in this dining experience.

In order to qualify for the raffle donors must either: 

  • Call (760) 563-6541 from 10:30am to 6:30pm Monday-Friday, ready with the amount of tickets they would like to buy and a card number;
  • or send in a check with raffle in the note section to MONA, at 216 S. Brand Blvd. Glendale, CA 91204. 

MONA wants to insure the safety of all participants and will ask for digital signatures confirming visitors are from the same household or they have received the vaccine in advance of their visit. If participants suspect they have been exposed to COVID or are not feeling well, they must reschedule their dinner.

 For more information, check the Museum of Neon Art website:

Gayle Anderson reports for the KTLA 5 News on March 30, 2021.