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A violent Hollywood street heist of two French bulldogs attracted international intrigue Thursday after it was revealed the two purebreds belonged to global megastar Lady Gaga, with fans and the Los Angeles police wondering if the animals were targeted because of their doting owner’s deep pockets.

Most alarming for the police and many others, including true-crime enthusiasts eager for a new mystery to mull, was the ruthlessness with which the robbery occurred — with Gaga’s dog walker Ryan Fischer shot in the chest as he fought to keep the animals, and then left bleeding on the sidewalk as the thieves made off with two of the three dogs in his care.

Video from the scene, captured by a neighbor’s porch camera and published by TMZ, showed the struggle, with two assailants pulling up in a white Nissan Altima, leaping out and immediately going for the dogs as Fischer screamed, first in protest and then in agony.

“It was just a horrific thing,” said one of the neighbors, who asked not to be identified. “We just hope he’s OK. Just hearing his screams was awful.”

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