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With a backlog of coronavirus test results now flowing into a state database, California reported 13,149 coronavirus cases on Monday, with additional older results expected to increase daily totals throughout the week.

“The issue with the state’s electronic laboratory reporting system has been addressed and the system is now performing as expected,” the California Department of Public Health said in a media statement Monday. “The entire backlog has been completely eliminated, and new cases attributed to the backlog will be reported over the next few days.”

Without an accurate picture of confirmed cases in recent days, many local officials who relied on the system had to conduct their own tallies to understand how the virus was spreading in their communities. The infection rate is a closely watched indicator for counties looking to reopen businesses and schools.

The Central Valley is currently the hardest hit part of the state, with infections spreading rapidly in places such as Kern County, where there are now more than 1,000 cases per 100,000 residents, and Merced County, where there’s 827 cases per 100,000 residents. Both counties have now banned outdoor gatherings as a result.

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