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Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez has called on Councilman Jose Huizar to stop attending council meetings or casting votes until there is “legal clarity” on the federal probe into corruption at City Hall, one of her aides said Friday.

Martinez chief of staff Ackley Padilla said the councilwoman made the request in a letter to Huizar. The Times requested a copy of that document, but her office did not immediately release it.

Huizar responded with a statement saying that he would “respect the council president’s wishes that I limit my participation in council while working to meet the needs of my district.”

Huizar did not explain how he would limit his participation, saying through a spokeswoman that the details were still being worked out. In his statement, Huizar said he did not want to be a “distraction” to the council’s work and intends to continue carrying out his duties to “protect the safety and economic well being of the residents of Los Angeles” during the COVID-19 crisis.

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