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Not many people are starting a business during this pandemic, but a new pop-up bakery in San Francisco found a creative way to do contactless carryout.

Some food service places are using baskets and boxes to hand over food, but Bernal Bakery owners and chefs, Ryan Stagg and Daniella Banchero, are lowering their baked goods to their customers with a basket and rope.

Stagg told CNN he was inspired by vintage hay pulleys that can been seen on some of the roofs in San Francisco.

“I’ve always been an out of the box thinker… and it just organically came together,” Stagg said.

About the pulley and box system, Stagg said, “It’s on its third phase of its life…the most recent one was donated by our neighbor who is an out of work woodworker and he’s a welder as well.”

To buy baked goods, customers push a wireless doorbell and after their order is confirmed, the basket is lowered containing their tasty treats.

It all started with a little bit of fun

The bakery started after the engaged couple lost their jobs as chefs due to the coronavirus pandemic.

They thought it wouldn’t be very long before returning to work, so they started baking for neighbors for fun to keep busy. Then, when they realized sheltering in place would last a lot longer than expected, they decided to start a business with their baked goods to pay rent.

Stagg said it exploded from there. It has turned into a business. The bakery was recently incorporated with an LLC and registered with the state of California.

“We have been blessed with an astronomical amount of support, and all of our success is because of the community and the people,” Stagg said.

A restaurant unable to be in business during the pandemic has even donated their kitchen so the bakery could have a commissary kitchen to make and store their product.

Stagg said that the bakery is serving up bread, cookies and cinnamon rolls. Customers order the goods online through the bakery’s website.

Right now, the bakery is only open select hours, but Stagg said it may be a matter of time before their success overtakes the part-time hours.

The pop-up is already turning into a more permanent establishment and the two plan to continue Bernal Bakery even after the pandemic is over.