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With the end of Daylight Saving Time this Sunday, Californians will join most Americans in setting back their clocks one hour. Two days later, the state’s voters get a say on whether or not they want to opt out of that yearly tradition.

Prop 7 on the Nov. 6 ballot proposes to make Daylight Saving Time permanent in the state.

Florida’s lawmakers passed a similar law earlier this year. But with Nov. 4 just days away, Congress has not approved the change.

Marco Rubio also introduced the Sunshine Protection Act to establish year-round Daylight Saving Time across the country, arguing more sunlight can improve the economy and reduce car crashes, robberies and childhood obesity.

Related: A Guide to the Propositions on the Nov. 6 Ballot in California, From the Gas Tax Repeal to Daylight Saving Time

Voting “yes” clears a path for year-round Daylight Saving Time in California—meaning no more falling backwards and brighter evenings during wintertime. If passed by voters, it will still need a two-thirds vote in the state Legislature and approval from the federal government.

Although the Los Angeles Times’ editorial board endorses Prop 7, the paper’s Sacramento bureau chief  says even if Californians OK the measure, it will likely stall in the Capitol.

Voting “no” means California will keep springing forward and falling backward, along with the majority of the country.

Supporters – Having more light in the evening all year joins Prop 2 as the only statewide initiatives endorsed by California Democrats and Republicans alike.

Opponents – The editorial board for the Sacramento Bee says the state “doesn’t have time” to waste deliberating on a decision that would still require permission from Washington, not to mention the hassle and costs to businesses that operate in other states. The Mercury News and the San Diego-Union Tribune agree.