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A wealthy anonymous donor hiding cash in locations around San Francisco and using Twitter to send out clues on where to find it will be expanding the hunt for free money to Los Angeles this weekend.

“Hidden Cash” will soon be hiding money around L.A. for people to find. (Credit: KTLA)

Described as “an anonymous social experiment for good,” the basic premise of Hidden Cash is that an envelope filled with money — some have reported amounts of $100 or more — is placed at a secret location.

The Twitter account @HiddenCash then send out clues to its tens of thousands of followers, usually including a photo.

Whoever finds the envelope is then asked to tweet a photo tagging @HiddenCash, which the account then retweets.

The man behind the money, who is purposely keeping his identity a secret, told CNN affiliate KGO in San Francisco that he hopes people who find the cash will pay it forward.

“I’m in that one percent that some people loathe,” he said. “But rather than hating people who are successful, my point would be to encourage people who have been successful to give back a little bit more.”

The hunt for money will head to L.A. sometime this weekend, according to tweets from the account.

Another tweet stated that there would be a giveaway once 100,000 users follow it on Twitter.

The account had more than 64,000 followers as of late Tuesday morning.
