Name That Breed! New Website Instantly ID’s Your Dog

Pop in a picture of your dog and this website will tell you what breed it is instantly!

Microsoft is on a roll lately with various websites that can tell you how old you look, find your twin or even analyze your moustache. Now, the fine data scientists there have concocted a fun new site called “What-Dog.net” that can identify the breed of a dog just by uploading a photo of man’s best friend.

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The site is super simple. You can try it out with a sample dog snapshot they supply or upload your own. I uploaded a photo I took of a giant dog I spotted while on assignment in Pasadena.

In a matter of seconds, the site spit out the results – the dog is a Great Dane. I’m no veterinarian, but it seems pretty accurate.

Next, I tried a photo I took of a dog I spotted in Beverly Hills. It’s owner was kind enough to let me snap a pic.

Sure enough, the site seems to get it right. What-dog.net also explains that poodles are smart, friendly and get along with people easily. That’s more than you can say about some humans.

Microsoft says the site uses a combination of artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision and intelligent cloud services. The site actually gets better at identification as more photos are uploaded. If it can’t ID a dog, it will display a percentage of the closest breed or show you the top 5 breeds that could be in a dog.

Just for fun, the site also analyzes humans. I popped in my picture to see what dog I resemble.

Looks like I’m a German Shepherd – busy, intense and highly intelligent. I like the way this site thinks.

Try it out:

https://www.what-dog.net/ or download the app (iOS Only)

Pro Tip: If you’re using Google Photos just run this search to quickly find all of the dog photos in your collection!