Google I/O 2015: Better Android Battery Life & Free, Smart Photo Storage

Google held its annual I/O Conference in San Francisco and made some big announcements!

Some of the company’s big reveals include:

Android Pay – Google’s answer to Apple Pay and yet another attempt to help us use our phone as a wallet.

Google Now On Tap – This is a one-touch assistant that lives in your phone and gives you more information no matter what app you are using. Say your friend texts you a restaurant name for dinner – tap and hold the screen or a button and Google Now On Tap finds you reviews, directions and more based on the restaurant name.

Google Photos – This is basically replacing Google+ Photos. It offers free, unlimited storage for all of your pictures and videos. Plus, it automatically organizes your pictures by faces, places and even things! It’s pretty amazing and at this point the best free online photo storage solution out there. Google’s free, unlimited storage will work for about 99% of personal collections out there – it stores pictures up to 16 megapixels and videos up to 1080P HD. If your originals are larger than this the service will squeeze them down a bit but still retain much of their quality. Of course, if you want to store originals, you can pay for that too.

Watch the entire Google I/O 2015 keynote here.

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