Florida Police Remove Woman From Frontier Flight Due to Her ‘Emotional Support Squirrel’

Police had to remove a woman who brought an “emotional support squirrel” on a Frontier Airlines flight headed from Orlando, Florida, to Cleveland.

Frontier says the passenger had noted in her reservation that she was bringing an emotional support animal with her on Flight 1612 Tuesday night. But she did not indicate it was a squirrel.

The airline says rodents, including squirrels, are not allowed. The airline says police were called when the passenger refused to leave the plane.

Police requested the other passengers disembark while officers dealt with the woman, who was eventually escorted into the main terminals.

The flight left for Cleveland about two hours later.

Cindy Torak, the Ohio woman who was removed from the flight, recounted the ordeal to KTLA sister station WJW in Cleveland on Wednesday.

She said she had obtained the proper letters to bring her 11-week-old squirrel Daisy on board, and her daughter even called Frontier ahead to get clearance.

It was only once she got into her seat that it became an issue, according to Torak.

“They said, ‘Either you walk off the plane or I’m going to arrest you for trespassing, and we will take that squirrel,'” she told WJW. “I said, ‘You’re not taking my squirrel. Sorry, you’re not. I refuse. You will not take my baby from me.'”

Torak added that she is now speaking with an attorney, as she wants someone to be held accountable.

“I politely informed them I will own a big portion of this airline,” she said. “I’m going for blood.”
