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George Floyd’s 7-year-old daughter shared what she wished she could tell her late father in a video shown ahead of Derek Chauvin’s sentencing.

“I miss you and I love you,” Gianna Floyd said in the video when asked what she would say to her dad.

Gianna Floyd’s video interview was played in court Friday during the sentencing hearing for Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer who is charged with murder and manslaughter in Floyd’s death.

Gianna Floyd said in the victim impact statement that she believed her dad was still with her in spirit and that she wants to know how he got hurt.

“We used to have dinner meals every single night before we went to bed,” she said. “My daddy always used to help me brush my teeth.”

She had a long list of things she would still have liked to do with her father. “I want to play with him, have fun, go on a plane ride.”

Hers was the first of several victim impact statements given by Floyd’s family members at Chauvin’s sentencing.