Debate Commission Says Trump’s Microphone Had Audio ‘Issues’

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump visits the Gerald Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Sept. 30, 2016. (Credit: Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images)

The Commission on Presidential Debates revealed in a one-sentence statement Friday that Donald Trump’s audio was impacted earlier in the week.

“Regarding the first debate, there were issues regarding Donald Trump’s audio that affected the sound level in the debate hall,” the commission said in a statement. No other details were immediately made available.

The statement provided no evidence that the audio issue affected the television audience of more than 80 million people.

Trump complained earlier in the week that his microphone wasn’t functioning properly at Monday’s debate.

“And they also had, gave me a defective mic. Did you notice that? My mic was defective within the room,” he told a group of reporters afterward. “No, but I wonder, was that on purpose? Was that on purpose? But I had a mic that wasn’t worked properly, with, working properly within the room.”

Friday’s statement, however, said nothing about a microphone problem.

Trump’s Democratic challenger, Hillary Clinton, mocked Trump the day after the debate for complaining about his mic.

“Anybody who complains about the microphone is not having a good night,” Clinton told reporters.
