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Looking for an unusual Valentine’s Day gift for your loved one, or perhaps you want a unique way to remember an ex?

The Bronx Zoo thinks they have got the “perfect gift” for the holiday: naming one of its many Madagascar hissing cockroaches in someone else’s honor.

For $10, your significant or not-so-significant other will receive a digital certificate with their roach’s name from the zoo.

Feeling extra romantic this year? The zoo has a new option to add on chocolates or a roach plush for $35, or $50 for both.

And if you don’t have someone special to celebrate Valentine’s Day with, naming a roach can also be a creative way to “honor” past relationships.

“Whether the gesture is spicy or sweet we promise not to judge,” the zoo’s website stated.

The Bronx Zoo started the “Name a Roach” program in 2011 as a way to raise money. Proceeds from the fundraiser will go to the Wildlife Conservation Society, according to the Associated Press.