Body Clogs Tijuana River Pumps, Causing 14.5M Gallons of Sewage-Tainted Water to Spill Into U.S.

The U.S.-Mexico border near El Chaparral port of entry at the Tijuana River is seen on February 13, 2017. (Credit: GUILLERMO ARIAS/AFP/Getty Images)

Federal officials said Tuesday that a body had clogged the pumps in the Tijuana River intended to prevent polluted water from flowing into the United States.

As a result, about 14.5 million gallons of polluted water spilled over the border into the U.S. from Saturday night through Monday, according to the U.S. section of the International Boundary and Water Commission. The flows were a mix of treated and untreated wastewater.

A cleanup crew in Tijuana discovered the body Sunday morning trapped in the intake screens along the river channel, which had also become covered with trash, according to Mexican officials.

Police in Mexico are investigating the death.

Read the full story on LATimes.com