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Starbucks fans who want to be a bit more environmentally friendly in 2024, rejoice!

The coffee giant will be the first national coffee chain to accommodate reusable cups for customers’ drive-thru and mobile orders.

“Starting January 3, 2024, customers will be able to use their own clean, personal cup for every visit at all company-operated stores and participating licensed stores in the U.S. and Canada – including drive-thru, the Starbucks app, and in café,” the company said in a statement on its decision.

“With the majority of Starbucks beverages enjoyed on-the-go, this milestone unlocks a big opportunity for customers to choose reusables and supports Starbucks commitment to reduce waste by 50 percent by 2030.”

Michael Kobori, Starbucks chief sustainability officer, said: “At Starbucks, we envision a future where every beverage can be served in a reusable cup. … Offering customers more options to use a personal cup when they visit Starbucks marks tangible progress towards the future. We know our customers are passionate about the planet, and now, they can join us in our efforts to give more than we take, no matter how they order.” 

According to the company, customers who bring clean personal cups will get a $0.10 discount on their drinks.

Drive-thru customers just need to let the baristas know they brought their own cup when they order. The company says that the baristas will then make the drink in reusable “custom beverage craft smallware that has standardized lines” to make the drink before pouring into the cup that the customer brings.

If ordering through the Starbucks app, customers will have an option under “customization” to show they are bringing their own cup.