Writers, studios head back to bargaining table in effort to end strike

Negotiations between the Writers Guild of America and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers are set to resume on Wednesday after a month of silence between the parties.

The strike, which began May 2, has brought much of Hollywood to a halt, especially after actors joined the writers in striking in July.

While a deal does not appear to be imminent – the union told Variety the last negotiating session was more of a “lecture” – the union told its members that “our focus is getting a fair deal for writers as soon as possible.”

“We’ll reach out again when there is something of significance to report,” union officials added.

In the meantime, Gov. Gavin Newsom said he’s been in communication with both sides in an effort to bring the strikes to a close.

“I’m encouraged by the conversations over this last weekend. I’m not going to overstate that, and I’m encouraged that they’re meeting again later this week,” Newsom told CNN’s Dana Bash.