Will Comic-Con Leave San Diego? Other Cities Are Making Pitches

Christopher Maracha, of San Francisco, salutes on his way up a convention hall escalator. (Credit: L.A. Times)

Comic-Con International, San Diego’s lucrative four-day convergence of costumes and commerce, may be ready for a change of scenery..

With an expansion of San Diego’s convention center stalled, other Southern California convention center operators are making a play to lure away that city’s biggest and most profitable convention.

Organizers of the annual gathering of more than 130,000 comic book and pop culture fans are now considering suitors, including Los Angeles and Anaheim, as they weigh the option of signing a contract to stay in San Diego after Comic-Con’s convention next year or finding a new home.

“The proposals we’ve received are pretty amazing,” said David Glanzer, a spokesman for Comic-Con International. “It’s not an easy decision.”

Click here to read the full story on LATimes.com.