Video captures $100,000 dog heist at Gardena pet shop

Security video captured a group of thieves ransacking a Gardena pet shop and tossing puppies in a $100,000 dog heist.

Video shows four masked men breaking into Top Dog Pet Store on Tuesday as security alarms blared and dogs were heard barking.

The burglars were seen arriving at the shop located on Rosecrans Avenue in a large white Chevy van just after 1 a.m.

“They ran to where the dogs were, grabbed the cages, dragged them out and tossed them into the van,” said Andres Avalos, the shop’s owner. “They came in through the front door, kicked the door open, turned the light on, grabbed the dogs, and took off.”

Video shows the suspects quickly rolling out large cages filled with dogs inside. Avalos said they escaped with 12 French bulldogs including a 10-month-old show dog named “Roll X.”

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“It’s a big financial loss,” Avalos said. “The dogs were [worth] over $100,000. We use those dogs for breeding purposes and that’s how we make a living. With the dogs being gone, it’ll be tougher to get by now.”

As the dogs were moved outside, some of the suspects were seen quickly grabbing the small puppies and throwing them into the back of the van. The entire heist lasted only minutes, Avalos said.

“They literally grabbed them and tossed them in the van like they were stuffed animals,” Avalos said. “It’s horrible.”

The pet shop is equipped with 16 security cameras and a metal gate but unfortunately, Avalos said that wasn’t enough to deter the thieves.

One suspect also broke into the shop’s cash register and escaped with around $2,000 in cash.

Gardena police are investigating the case and posts about the stolen dogs have been distributed across social media.

“The dogs are well known in the dog community,” Avalos said. “The community is really coming together and helping a lot. We appreciate that they came together to help us out at a time like this.”

Although the financial loss is concerning, Avalos said he’s more worried about the dogs.

“We love our animals,” he said. “It’s just frustrating knowing they are out there and we can’t do anything about it.”

Avalos said he is offering a substantial monetary reward for anyone who can help track down the missing dogs and the suspects who remain at large.