UC Davis Investigating Anti-Semitic Posters Found on Campus

UC Davis flier twitter.com/jmich019

UC Davis police are investigating anti-Semitic fliers posted near the school’s student union Monday morning, authorities said.

Chancellor Gary May said in a statement that the fliers, which violated posting policy, were removed and that the university was working to identify who put them up.

“The message on these fliers is reprehensible and does not represent who we are as a community,” he said. “Our Principles of Community expresses our dedication to mutual respect, understanding, compassion and caring for everyone, regardless of their religious affiliation, culture, ethnicity or gender. I ask each of you to uphold those values.”

The black-and-white fliers portrayed figures, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein, professor Christine Blasey Ford, billionaire George Soros and attorney Michael Avenatti, with a Star of David or the words “Good Goy” on their foreheads. They surrounded an image of new Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and the phrase: “Every time some anti-white, anti-american, anti-freedom event takes place, you look at it and it’s Jews behind it.”

Read the full story on LATimes.com.
