U.S. Housing Officials Withhold $80 Million From Los Angeles, Alleging Discrimination Against People With Disabilities

In an unwelcome turn for a city suffering from a homelessness crisis, federal housing officials said they have denied Los Angeles $80 million in funds, citing long-standing failures by local leaders to ensure that properties built with government money are accessible to those who use wheelchairs or have other disabilities.

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson informed Mayor Eric Garcetti in a letter Friday that his agency was rebuffing funding proposals submitted by city officials last month.

“As you have been notified time and again, the city is unlawfully discriminating against individuals with disabilities in its affordable housing program, under federal accessibility laws … and has refused to take the steps necessary to remedy this discrimination,” Carson wrote. He said a more detailed explanation for the rejection would be sent to the city within 15 days.

Local officials will have 45 days to resubmit or rework their funding application or may seek to obtain the funding by entering into an agreement that addresses the city’s outstanding violations on disabled housing, Carson said in his letter.

Read the full story on LATimes.com.
