State Employees Sleeping at Work, Riding in Limos, New Audit Report Says

The main administration building on the UC Davis campus in 2017. (Credit: Francine Orr/Los Angeles Times)

A UC Davis professor spent $996 for three limousine trips and collected $197 in other improper travel reimbursements during two months in 2015, according to a new state report.

A state Department of Industrial Relations employee was photographed numerous times sleeping at his work station or texting and reading on his personal cellphone. The employee’s estimated “down time” over a roughly yearlong period cost taxpayers an estimated $5,411.

An administrative office within the Department of Corrections hosted an illegal raffle for charity in December 2016. Tickets cost $1 each, and prizes included gift baskets containing ammunition and alcohol. State auditors said raffling alcohol constituted illegal sales.

These examples are among six substantiated incidents of fraud, waste and abuse the California State Auditor included in its regular report on “improper governmental activities.”

Read the full story on LATimes.com.
