Small group of protesters outside Sheriff Villanueva’s home met by a dozen deputies

Protesters are seen outside L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva’s La Habra Heights home on Nov. 18, 2020. (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)

A small group protested near Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva’s home Wednesday afternoon, calling for the department to release the names of deputies involved in the recent fatal shootings of Dijon Kizzee and Fred Williams.

About 14 protesters were met by about a dozen deputies carrying batons around 3 p.m. near Villanueva’s home in La Habra Heights, a city in the San Gabriel Valley. The deputies formed a skirmish line and slowly walked the protestors down a residential street leading away from the sheriff’s property.

Protestors chanted: “Villanueva you can’t hide, we want killer deputies identified,” and “Give us the names.” A helicopter circled overhead.

“He has been concealing from the public the identity of the deputies responsible for killing Fred Williams and Dijon Kizzee,” said Cliff Smith, an organizer for the Coalition for Community Control over the Police, which led the protest. “The community and the families need to know who took the lives of Dijon and Fred.”

Read the full story on LATimes.com.