Recovered pelicans take flight at beach at Crystal Cove State Park

Debbie McGuire, left, Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center executive director, and Kelly Kveton, a board member, encourage two rehabbed pelicans to leave their kennels as they are released at Crystal Cove State Beach in Newport Beach on June 22, 2021.(Kevin Chang / L.A. Times Community News)

The young brown pelicans did not immediately fly away Tuesday morning at Crystal Cove State Beach.

Instead, they came out of their cages slowly, before cruising to an area a stone’s throw away.

This was not cause for concern for Debbie McGuire, executive director of the Huntington Beach-based Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center.

“They’ll eventually find their buddies,” McGuire said with a smile, noting that both birds had been caged for several weeks

Read the full story on LATimes.com.