Officials Accuse Orange County DA of Cover-Ups, Interfering With Investigations

The office of Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas was removed from one of its most high-profile cases: the prosecution of mass murderer Scott Dekraai. (Credit: Mark Boster/Los Angeles Times)

Orange County Dist. Atty. Tony Rackauckas and other officials interfered in multiple investigations and covered up criminal conduct by police, according to claims filed Friday by two investigators within the district attorney’s office.

In their filings, Tom Conklin and Abraham Santos cited three high-profile cases that they said officials had suppressed.

One involved a former Cypress Police Department investigator accused of committing perjury during a capital murder trial. Another case revolved around the alleged cover-up by Fullerton police of a former city manager’s drunk driving. Conklin and Santos said they were removed from the investigation into a third case, involving a man who they believed was planning a “Sandy Hook”-level mass shooting.

The whistle-blower claims are precursors to a lawsuit. Conklin, who has worked at the district attorney’s office since 2008, and Santos, who has been there since 2015, assert that they have been targeted for termination because they spoke out about Rackauckas and his office. Santos said he also became the subject of false rumors that he had sexually harassed another employee.

Read the full story on LATimes.com
