Northern White Rhino at San Diego Zoo Safari Park Dies, Leaving 3 Worldwide

The San Diego Zee Safari Park tweeted this photo of Nola, a northern white rhino, on Nov. 22, 2015, after she died following a series of illnesses.

Sad news from the San Diego Zoo Safari Park: Nola, the female northern white rhino, has died.

Her death leaves only three northern white rhinos in the world, all at a sanctuary in Kenya, protected from poachers by around-the-clock armed guards.

At 41, Nola was considered geriatric and had been battling a series of ailments, including a persistent abscess and bacterial infection. Last week she took a turn for the worse, becoming listless.

“In the past 24 hours Nola’s condition had worsened significantly,” according to a statement issued Sunday morning by the Safari Park. “Early this morning, the team made the difficult decision to euthanize her.”

Click here to read the full story on LATimes.com.
