More Dogs Suffering From Acid Burns Brought to Lancaster Animal Shelter; Two Dead

Two photographs show Fergus (left) and Bella (right) -- two dogs who survived severe chemical burns. (Credit: KTLA)

A golden retriever who endured third degree burns after someone poured acid down his spine was only one of several dogs found tortured in a similar manner in recent weeks in the Antelope Valley.

“Fergus” was one of four dogs suffering from chemical burns who were brought to the Lancaster Animal Shelter.

Two of the dogs were so badly injured they had to be euthanized.

Fergus and a third dog, nicknamed “Bella,” managed to survive, but still faced a long and painful road to recovery.

Bella was found in Palmdale about a week ago. The two dogs who died were discovered in Lancaster and Rosamond.

Authorities were trying to determine who was responsible for the abuse and whether the cases were related.

PETA and the Southern California Golden Retriever Rescue were both offering rewards totaling $4500 in an effort to help catch those responsible.

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