L.A.’s relaxed parking enforcement ends Oct. 15; street sweeping enforcement to resume

A parking enforcement officer tickets a car parked in an area scheduled for street sweeping in an undated photo. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)

The Los Angeles City Council moved Wednesday to resume enforcement of street parking violations following a department report that cited complaints about trash piling up on roadways and a drop in city revenue.

City officials halted enforcement amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic that cost many Angelenos their jobs and forced others to work from home, ultimately creating more competition for parking spots in some neighborhoods.

Now, traffic officers will return to handing out $73 street sweeping enforcement tickets beginning Oct. 15. Enforcement of rules pertaining to abandoned and oversize vehicles, overnight restrictions, peak-hour and anti-gridlock zones, and expired registrations also will resume on that date.

The impounding of vehicles that serve as dwellings will be delayed while the city comes up with a “next step” plan, under an amendment submitted Wednesday by City Councilman Joe Buscaino.

Read the full story on LATimes.com.