Federal judge extends restrictions on LAPD’s use of projectile weapons at protests

Body camera footage released by the Los Angeles Police Department shows a police officer shooting a protester with a projectile in Hollywood in 2020.

A federal judge on Monday extended recent court restrictions on the Los Angeles Police Department’s use of hard-foam projectiles at protests, granting a preliminary injunction on the weapons that had been requested by protest groups suing the city.

U.S. District Judge Consuelo B. Marshall issued her ruling after finding that Black Lives Matter Los Angeles and other activists had successfully shown that they faced “irreparable harm” at future protests if the court did not intervene to restrict the weapons.

Her ruling largely keeps in place measures reining in the LAPD’s use of the weapons at street demonstrations that had previously been issued under a more temporary restraining order, which Marshall granted last month.

The restrictions will now remain in place for the duration of the underlying court case, in which BLMLA and other activists and protesters are suing the LAPD for its handling of last spring’s mass protests and its use of the weapons, which injured many demonstrators.

Read the full story on LATimes.com.