Growing concern for residents stranded in San Bernardino mountain communities

San Bernardino mountain communities are struggling to recover from record snow, despite hard work by volunteers and officials alike.

Many residents remained snowed in Monday and are running out of food and other essentials.
Around 9 a.m., residents were able to line up in Crestline to get everything from diapers to shovels.

Lake Arrowhead resident Michelle Calkins has been documenting the harrowing experiences of mountain residents since the area was inundated with snow amid powerful winter storms.

She said folks are tired and “broken.”

“There’s still panic because people are still trapped. We know the roads are not 100% plowed yet,” Calkins said.

But there’s hope, she added. People are finally getting food they need and are being freed from their homes.

“We don’t have days off right now. We’re continually shoveling, continually helping each other out,” she said.