FAA Threatens Legal Action Against Santa Monica for Its Effort to Shut Down the City Airport

A private jet heads down the runway before taking off at Santa Monica Airport. The city seeks to limit the operations of such jets. (Credit: Francine Orr / Los Angeles Times)

The Federal Aviation Administration has threatened legal action against Santa Monica over its effort to reduce flight operations at the city’s airport, force out aeronautical tenants and close the historic facility within two years.

In a strongly worded letter Monday, the FAA reminded Mayor Tony Vazquez of what it termed as the city’s obligations under federal agreements to keep the airport open at least until 2023 and treat aviation tenants and aircraft owners fairly.

“The FAA is prepared to pursue all legal remedies at its disposal if the City Council takes concrete actions to restrict leases or operations without complying with applicable federal law,” wrote Kevin C. Willis, the agency’s director of airport compliance.

In a statement, Vazquez said Tuesday that city officials were not surprised by the FAA’s letter.

Click here to read the full story on LATimes.com. 
