Dolphin Rescued After Becoming Stranded on Beach in San Pedro

An 8-foot dolphin was rescued Saturday morning after becoming stranded on a beach in San Pedro, authorities said.

Lifeguards pour water on a dolphin that was rescued after becoming stranded on a beach in San Pedro on Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014. (Credit: Los Angeles County Fire Department)

Shortly after 7 a.m., members of the public and officials from the Los Angeles County Department of Beaches & Harbors reported the dolphin was at Royal Palms Beach (map), according to a statement from the county Fire Department’s Lifeguard Division.

Lifeguards from the Cabrillo Beach station alerted a specialist from Marine Animal Rescue and responded to the location, where they “kept the [dolphin] calm by minimizing disturbances to the animal and helped keep it alive by pouring water over it, avoiding the blow hole, until MAR arrived on the scene,” the statement said.

Peter Wallerstein, director of Marine Animal Rescue, confirmed the animal was an adult Risso’s dolphin, officials said.

It was wrapped in a specialized carrier, with holes for the fins, so that it could be moved safely, according to the Fire Department. Two lifeguards, Wallerstein and three members of the public then lifted and moved the dolphin off the beach. Lifesaving efforts continued as it was transported to the Marine Mammal Care Center at Fort MacArthur.

Following treatment at that facility, the animal was transported to SeaWorld San Diego in stable condition, with minor abrasions caused by the rocky shoreline, officials said.