Community Activists, Family and Friends of Overdose Victims Question Why it Took So Long to Arrest Ed Buck

Ed Buck appears at his arraignment in L.A. County court in downtown L.A. on Sept. 19, 2019. (Credit: KTLA)

Stunning new allegations that Democratic donor Ed Buck paid at least 10 men to use drugs for his pleasure have sparked more questions from activists and others about why it took so long to uncover the longtime West Hollywood political activist’s alleged misconduct.

Buck has been the subject of protests and demands for justice since 2017, when a young man was found dead in his home of a drug overdose. Early this year, a second man was found dead inside Buck’s West Hollywood apartment.

Community activists and family and friends of the victims have long questioned whether Buck’s political connections played a role in the lack of law enforcement action after the first death — an accusation authorities deny.

Jasmyne Cannick, who has led community protests about Buck, said she was pleased with his arrest this week but said it took far too long.

Read the full story on LATimes.com