Christian singer draws crowd of 2,500 to New Year’s Eve gathering in Valencia, ignoring risk of COVID-19 spread

Southern California residents mostly stayed home on New Year’s Eve, heeding warnings by public health officials, but several large gatherings were still held across the region, including one by Christian activist Sean Feucht that drew hundreds of mostly unmasked attendants to a church parking lot in Valencia.

Despite the risks of spreading the coronavirus amid a deadly surge in the pandemic, an estimated 2,500 people could be seen standing shoulder to shoulder while jumping, singing and shouting in a video posted by Feucht’s Instagram account. Most in the crowd did not wear face coverings.

The gathering took place Thursday night in the parking lot of Higher Vision Church in Valencia for a New Year’s Eve concert and worship service coordinated by Feucht.

Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies said there were no incidents reported before, during or after the event.

Read the full story on LATimes.com.