CHP Tickets Same Speeding Bay Area Driver Twice in 11 Minutes

One motorist in the Bay Area racked up some hefty fines with unrepentant speeding that got them ticketed twice within 11 minutes on Monday, officials said.

Officers first stopped the driver when they were spotted going 90 mph on the westbound 580 Freeway in Tracy, according to images of the tickets California Highway Patrol posted to Twitter.

That was at about 12:30 p.m.

The person apparently sped away and caught up with a different officer about 15 miles away in Livermore at 12:41 p.m., when they were clocked at 103 mph, CHP said.

CHP Officer Tyler Hahn told KTVU in Oakland the tickets would likely cost the driver about $400 to $500 each.

“That was an expensive 11 minutes,” Hahn said.

The officer also told station the motorist was driving a 2014 Nissan Altima.

There was no word on where they were rushing to.

Officials at CHP headquarters chimed in on Twitter, pointing out that unfortunate events tend to come in threes.

“Let’s hope not, for everyone’s sake,” they said.
