Cal State Long Beach Investigates Racially Charged Threats Against Latino, Jewish Students

Authorities are investigating a series of racially charged threats made on social media and in fliers that targeted Latino and Jewish students at Cal State Long Beach, officials said Saturday.

Authorities are investigating threats made on social media platforms aimed at Latino and Jewish students at Cal State Long Beach. (Credit: Don Bartletti / Los Angeles Times)

They included a threat to shoot officers of the La Raza Student Assn. posted on the group’s Facebook page, and images of Adolf Hitler and the phrase “finish what he started” taped to doors and windows in the campus multicultural center, according to an article this week in the Daily 49er.

University President Jane Close Conoley, in an email to students and employees this week, said the incidents had been reported to the FBI and were being “aggressively investigated” by the Cal State Long Beach University Police Department.

“I’m saddened to report this to you,” she said, “but I want you to know that each incident reflecting intolerance and hate is being reported to the FBI and is receiving priority attention from University Police.”

Read the full story on LATimes.com.
