Angeles National Forest reopens 86K acres to visitors

Portions of the Angeles National Forest are reopening Friday, April 1 following closures due to the 2020 Bobcat Fire.

About 86,000 acres are open to the public again, the USDA Forest Service said. This includes every area along the Angeles Crest Highway (CA-2) east of Shortcut Saddle, including Mt. Waterman, Buckhorn Campground, Islip Peak Trail, Dawson Saddle Trail, Cloudburst Summit, Charlton Picnic Area, and the Devil’s Canyon Trail.

Here’s a map of the closed areas.

The Forest Service still wants visitors to be careful during their visit, and be aware of dead standing burned trees which are less stable and more likely to fall.

These “hazard trees” are being removed by volunteers, but will not be removed in wilderness areas like Burkhart Trail, Devil’s Canyon Trail, and the Pacific Crest Trail between Mt. Islip and Cloudburst Summit, according to the Forest Service.

They also say not to cross a landslide or major sections of missing trail.