28-Year-Old Man Convicted for Riding Bird Scooter While Intoxicated in West L.A.

A pair of Bird scooters are seen on a street in Los Angeles in an undated photo. (Credit: Gabriel S. Scarlett / Los Angeles Times)

Southern California has seen a series of firsts since motorized rental scooters began flooding streets and sidewalks last year, including the first collision with a driver and the first scooter sent to a watery grave in the Venice canals.

On Wednesday, Los Angeles officials reported another: the first conviction for scooting under the influence.

City Atty. Mike Feuer said his office had secured a misdemeanor conviction against Nicholas Kauffroath, 28, who was riding a Bird scooter on a sidewalk in West L.A. when he knocked a pedestrian to the ground and scooted away to a nearby apartment building without stopping to render aid.

When police officers found Kauffroath, Feuer said, his blood-alcohol level was measured at .279, more than three times the legal limit.

Read the full story on LATimes.com