Some COVID-19 survivors resort to trying anything in hopes of regaining sense of smell after long-term loss

In her quest to overcome one of COVID-19’s strangest symptoms, Mariana Castro-Salzman was willing to try anything.

The 32-year-old visited an oncologist and got a CT scan of her head. She saw an ear, nose and throat doctor. Took steroids. Went to a neurologist who put her on anti-anxiety medication.

She began sniffing essential oils every day. A homeopath prescribed bath flowers, supplements and chaga mushrooms.

And yet, nearly a year after recovering from the coronavirus, her senses of smell and taste are still scrambled. Onions and garlic evoke a nausea that has nothing to do with their actual scent. Coffee smells like a burned tire, but worse.

Read the full story on LATimes.com.