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A local group has calculated that 1,893 students and employees tested positive for a coronavirus infection during the first week of school, based on a new dashboard created using district data.

The number of cases, compiled by the group Parents Supporting Teachers, was based on adding individual figures for more than 1,400 district sites and was current through Sunday night. School district officials did not dispute the number, but noted that the total would likely change as the processing of first-week test results continued.

“These numbers seem to represent the case totals at the time they were released late Sunday,” district spokesperson Shannon Haber said. “Test results and case details are continuously updated, and information on any dashboard should be considered a point-in-time report.”

The 1,893 figure compares with a total of about 451,000 students in early education through 12th grade and close to 60,000 employees. Every student and employee must undergo weekly coronavirus testing as part of the largest school district-based program in the nation. This infection rate would equate to about 4 individuals out of every 1,000.

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