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A Madera County couple who returned from a recent cruise have been reported to be the Central Valley’s first confirmed case of coronavirus, according to the Madera County Department of Public Health.

Madera County health officials said Saturday that they first received word about the cases after state health officials told them to begin monitoring a husband and wife returning from a recent Princess Cruise, said Sara Bosse, Public Health Director.

The couple remained isolated in their Madera County home.

Bosse said health officials coordinated with Madera Community Hospital for medical care and testing after one of the individuals developed symptoms.

The couple were received by hospital staff at the car, masked, and lead directly to an isolation room, health officials said. The couple did not enter any public areas.

The patient is currently in stable condition.

Bosse said this is an isolated case with a known source of transmission.

The couple received one visitor at their home before reporting symptoms, health officials said. Communicable disease staff is monitoring this individual who is isolated and does not show any symptoms at this time.

Dr. Simon Paul, Madera County Health Officer, released the following statement:

We wish the patient a quick return to health. The safety and well-being of our community remains our top priority. We ask community members to take the same precautions used in flu prevention: stay home when ill, wash hands frequently, covering coughs at all times, and practicing social distancing,


The health department said further spread of the coronavirus can be controlled by appropriate public health actions such as surveillance, identification and isolation of cases, infection control, intense contact tracing, and isolation of persons who may have been exposed to COVID-19.

For more information regarding coronavirus, the public can visit