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An evacuation warning has been issued for residents living within the Alisal Fire burn scar area west of Santa Barbara through Monday ahead of an expected storm.

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office issued the warning for the areas west of Las Flores Canyon, east of Mariposa Reina, south of West Camino Cielo and down to the ocean. The warning will remain in effect through Monday, Oct. 25.

A barrage of atmospheric rivers — strips of deep tropical moisture — is expected to blast Central and Southern California as early as this weekend, bringing widespread rain in what is anticipated to be the region’s first significant storm of the season, the National Weather Service said Thursday.

The copious precipitation totals may cause serious problems, however, as rain falling on wildfire burn scars could cause debris flows and mudslides. High winds are also a concern along the coast and in the mountains, where gusts could top 60 mph.

Officials are advising drivers to avoid driving Refugio Road during the rain, due to current hazards.

Residents of the area should be ready to leave at a moment’s notice, officials say, encouraging people to prepare family members, pets and essential items. Officials say residents in the areas under warning should not wait for an alert to evacuate.

For the most up-to-date information, residents can register for alerts at