Magnitude 5.2 quake strikes NorCal coast

This map showing a 5.2 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Northern California on March 18, 2020, was provided by the U.S. Geological Survey.

A 5.2 magnitude earthquake rattled the Northern California coast south of Eureka Wednesday afternoon, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The temblor hit about 3:08 p.m. on the Humboldt County coastline at the Mattole Canyon State Marine Reserve, USGS said.

Shaking in nearby communities was estimated to be strong, but was not expected to cause damage or injury, especially since there are no large population centers in the area, officials said.

Last week, on March 9, two other moderate quakes — magnitudes 5.8 and 4.9 — struck the region a bit further off the coast.

Earlier on Wednesday, a 5.7 magnitude temblor shook Utah’s Salt Lake City area, knocking out power and shutting down the city’s international airport. There are reports of damage, but no significant injury or fatalities.